Who Does She Think She Is?

This blog is about my homesteading journey, which pretty much encompasses everything. I hope to (1) chart some of what I do around here because I am not the greatest at journaling, (2)Inspire others to pursue their goals, (3) Maybe teach someone something along the way (as I am too learning), and (4) connect with others that are striving to improve themselves and support others that are doing the same.

My goal is to eventually eat a predominately fresh, local and seasonal diet that I grew or raised. Or that someone I know has.

“I am evolving & it’s so damn beautiful!”



13 thoughts on “Who Does She Think She Is?

  1. We are so proud to have our Adaptive Growing Modules installed in 9 local schools around Sacramento this year with success. Luther Burbank High School just harvested Radish, Cucumbers, Sun Flowers, and Basil..John Still Academy, Pasadena Elementary, Root Cellar and 4 others to come.


  2. Awesomeness!
    I just subscribed. I am in Dallas and I’d love to buy your produce, herbs, eggs etc.
    I too am on a journey…..similar to yours. I am in the research phase of constructing an organic garden in my backyard.
    I learned of your homestead via Mr. Potenial’s YouTube channel .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You! At this time we only have eggs. Congrats on taking the first step to starting your garden. I’m not an expert but will share what I know. Looking forward to meeting you.


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