Wardrobe Transition

As I try to transition my life to be one centered around “gardening” I have told myself that I cannot be the bummy garden girl this go round. You know the old sweats and hubby old tee. Not feeling that look at all these days. Not that I won’t have any but as I want to be gardening daily that is not what I want the daily wardrobe to consist of. 

So I went on a mini-sewing spree and sewed up 4 knit tops to help me out. I already realize I need more because I am wearing these out. Need to find some more comfy clearance fabric.

Well don’t you just love when an outfit comes together? 


Blogging while waiting on son to finish class.

Those earrings match perfectly. I purchased both separately without a thought of either in mind. Gotta get more earrings to set off this upcoming new garden wardrobe. 

If you are looking for earrings and other accessories check out Khalifah’s Kloset via fb. I don’t know how to link for fb so just search it. Anyway, good stuff, affordable prices, great service. She has been my main source of earrings for years now. Happy to see her taking her business to the next level.

3 thoughts on “Wardrobe Transition

  1. You really are a blessing 🙂 and an inspiration. Being a mother and a wife can be to some as burden but you handle both with such grace and ease. I wish you the best tooth your gardening and wardrobe transition. Everything in the universe is connected and when you find a balance the universe will reward you.


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